stand-by & portable generator

South Florida Generator Installation

Do you hate sitting in the dark during a power outage? Here at Cityline Electric we offer a variety of generators and can install one for your home, commercial property, or industrial facility. With many years of experience, our electrical contractors are knowledgeable about the different brands of generators available on the market. When you call us, we will explain all of your options, answer your questions, and help you decide which generator best suits your needs and financial situation.

Finding the Best Generator for Your Home

Generators are a huge investment, which is why it is important that you take the time to consider all your options before making a decision. There are also several types of generators that vary depending on their applications.
Two of the most popular generators include:

Portable Generators 

A piece of equipment where you can plug in your essential appliances during a power outage. Depending on the size and amperage of the unit, a portable generator can help power up light fixtures, refrigerators, and other appliances.

Standby Generators 

This type of generator uses a backup fuel such as propane or natural gas. A standby generator turns on automatically as soon as it detects power outage and shuts down when the power comes back.

Cityline Electric offers generators for residential, commercial, and industrial clients. When helping you narrow down your options, our Charlotte generator installation experts consider many factors such as your wattage needs, the generator’s run time, your fuel preference, the possible location of the unit, its maintenance needs, and the cost of both the unit and installation.

Why It's So Important to Have a Backup Generator?

Those living in South Florida are very familiar with hurricane season. As you are preparing for the arrival of an incoming tropical storm, we recommend considering home generator installation if you don’t already have one. They are worth the investment because they will provide your family with power for days after a blackout as well as providing additional safety for you and your loved ones. Having a backup generator can give you peace of mind that whenever the storm hits you will still be able to have electricity to power your South Florida home.

Benefits of owning a standby home generator include: