Electrical Panel Repair or Replacement

Does Your Electrical Panel Need An Update?

Electrical panels have a useful service life of about 30 years. However, there are factors that may signal the need for a replacement or upgrade sooner.


Common Electrical Panel Warning Signs:

Dangerous Electrical Panels

If your home has an electrical panel from this list, you need to call Cityline Electric now to schedule a panel inspection. One of our highly trained and timely electricians will assess your panel and recommend an appropriate replacement.
Here’s why:


One in four of these breakers have tested defective, or will not properly trip, causing a fire hazard.


While few of these breakers are still in use, we find them occasionally. They proved incapable of handling heavier loads, allowing electricity to melt wires, creating a fire risk.


Sylvania panels are essentially Zinsco panels with a different logo. If you have one of these breakers, they are uninsurable.


These are so old replacement parts are no longer available. Without regular use and service, these grease-fed breakers are difficult to operate. If you have one, you need an update.


In 1973, the GTE Corporation launched an electric panel design and called it “Challenger.” The Challenger panel was installed in thousands of homes between 1980s to 1990s. Like Zinsco, it brought safety hazards and was recalled.